Friends, it is
not too far of a stretch today suggest that Cryptocurrencies and Trading
Exchanges are going through a “Wild West” early growth phase where almost
anything goes and attempts by governmental entities worldwide are viewed with
great skepticism at best. The quintessential example is Bitcoin and the US SEC. Flying under the
radar has suited first gen Crypto traders, ICOs and Exchanges just fine. So why
not keep it that way? As the aggregate value of Cryptocurrencies, including the
advent of sovereign ICOs, and Exchanges has increased exponentially over the past
18 months they are now nearing the center of the radar screens of governmental
regulators, most notably the US
SEC and the UK FCA
(Financial Conduct Authority). Bottom line: Will the impending level of “appropriate”
government regulation impede the near-term explosion of Cryptocurrencies or
pave the way for a more legitimate next wave of legitimate growth undergirded
with governance, transparency and integrity which could bolster Cryptocurrency
mainstream adoption for years to come? Let us know your thoughts today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Our mission is to provide Training and Certification programs to enable Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech traders and investors worldwide to achieve their career goals.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Friday, March 30, 2018
Bitcoin is to Cryptocurrencies as Blackberry was to Smartphones
Friends, our
thesis is that the market leader(s) in the early phase is of as new technology
or business paradigm is likely to be usurped by a new solution or vendor in the
late early adopter and mass market phase of market adoption. Case in point –
the race toward a multi-function mobile communication device for the masses.
For several years RIM’s
Blackberry phone was viewed as an innovative and market leading device.
However, after years of trial and error, false promises and failure to meet
expectations Apple’s iPhone became
the breakthrough product which revolutionized the mobile communications segment
worldwide. The same principle likely holds true in the global Cryptocurrency
arena. Bitcoin is the unrivaled leader in the Phase I of Cryptocurrency
solutions. Nonetheless, our thesis is that within three-five years a new
transformational (2nd or 3rd generation) product will dominate
the Cryptocurrency space … just like the iPhone transformed the smartphone
sector. The obvious questions are which currency with which features and
ecosystem will emerge … and when? Share your prognostications with us today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Cryptocurrencies Test the US First Amendment: Should Crypto Ads be allowed on Social Media Sites?
Friends, this
post concerns the nexus of Cryptocurrencies, Social Media and the US
Constitution. Social media in general and Facebook in particular, are under enormous
scrutiny around the world for their integrity, security and transparency. And
while Cryptocurrencies
as of early 2018 are aggressively seeking to go mainstream, many in the “traditional”
side of currency trading still view them as highly speculative instruments.
Thirdly, in the US free speech is highly protected via the 1st Amendment
to the US Constitution. Yet, where does that leave us when we consider placing online
ads (aka free speech) for the Cryptocurrency ecosystem (which most would
acknowledge is undergoing birth pains … at best) on largely unregulated Social
Media a la Facebook, Twitter and for good measure … Google AdWords?
Purist will likely respond absolutely yes, however, our perception is that
there is growing antipathy towards this three-way marriage among practitioners
and regulators alike. What is your assessment? Send us your thoughts today. Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Thursday, March 22, 2018
How Will Enhancements to Smart Contracts Bolster Blockchain Adoption?
Blockchain, promises the ability to improve the
business processes that occur between companies and lowering the “cost of
trust.” This technology may offer significantly higher returns for each
investment dollar spent than most traditional internal investments.
Suisse has published a nice primer on this topic - download here and take a
look. A Smart Contract is simply a piece of
code which is stored in the Blockchain network (on each participant database).
It defines the conditions to which all parties using contract agrees. So if
required conditions are met certain actions are executed. As the smart contract
is stored on every computer in the network, they all must execute it and get to
the same result. This way users can be sure, that outcome is correct. These smart contracts are extremely
valuable across a wide variety of industries. They eliminate the need for (and
fees of) intermediaries and allow transactions to run extremely smoothly. As
the regulations and security behind these smart contracts grow stronger in
2018, their adoption will increase. Smart Contracts essentially remove the need for expensive
third party involvement to process a transaction. Speed, security and
especially OPEX reduction lie at the very core of Blockchain’s value proposition.
What is your assessment of Smart Contracts? Send us your thoughts. Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
When Will Amazon Begin Accepting Crytocurrency Payments?
Friends, with Amazon's market leadership and voracious appetite for innovation begs the question regarding when the behemoth will begin accepting cryptocurrencies as payment for goods and services? Likely beginning with Bitcoin and subsequently expanding into more robust second and third generation cryptocurrencies, Amazon is poised to rise a payments tsunami and reap the incremental sales and revenue benefits. But not so fast you say, a Global 100 transaction-based B2C firm will undoubtedly conduct multiple customer trials to both hone their payment processing model ans well as determine the sweet spot when it comes the number and selection of one or more cryptocurrencies it accepts. Transaction speed, security, scalability and integrity are all "red flag" issues which must be addressed bore this type of payments paradigm shift will occur on a high-volume and global scale. Let us know your predictions here at the Cryptocurrency Academy (, Lawrence
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Can Hashgraph Accelerate the Global Adoption of Blockchain?
as Blockchain begins to move beyond the cryptocurrency arena and transition
from its early adopter phase into the mid-market for mass adoption it surely
will face many barriers. Enter Hashgraph.
Unlike Blockchains in use today, Hashgraph employs the Gossip Protocol,
which is a computer-to-computer communication based upon the similar method
used by social networks to disseminate information. Every event in a Hashgraph-based Blockchain
occurs immediately and is communicated to all other computers in the network.
Thus ensuring secure, fair and faster transactions. Bitcoin’s seven transaction
per second is exceeded by a quantum leap with Hashgraph which processes
hundreds of thousands of transactions per second. Let us know your assessment
of Hashgraph’s potential impact on Blockchain adoption within and beyond
cryptocurrency transactions. Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Monday, March 19, 2018
How Effective Can Blockchain Token Credits be in the Battle against Climate Change?
we all know that the potential applications of Blockchain go far beyond the
realm of cryptocurrencies. Despite the US’ departure from the Paris Accord can
Blockchain be used to successfully manage tokenized credits for carbon
emissions between the private sector and government regulatory bodies
worldwide? Commercial entities – especially in the manufacturing sector – likely will manage excess carbon
emissions throughout their supply chains to create carbon neutrality while
firms such as privately held Zerofootprint Software and CarbonX Personal Carbon Trading can enable
and individuals to manage their carbon emissions. Undoubtedly other vendors and
exchanges will rapidly enter this niche. Send us your predictions today!
Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Which Third Generation Blockchain Platform(s) Will Succeed in 2018?
Third Generation Blockchain Platform(s) Will Succeed in 2018? Friends, like any new technology such as smartphones, A.I.,
machine learning, Blockchain will surely undergo multiple generations before a
sustainable market leader or leaders are established. Blockchain expansion and adoption will reach
escape velocity once four critical barriers are addressed: Security,
Governance, Scalability and Interoperability. Among the contending third gen
platforms vying for the role of market leadership include ICON, Cosmos, Polkadot
and Aion. A central element to consider is
that unlike their forerunners these emerging platforms are “purpose-built” from
the ground up and allow dissimilar systems to communicate. Share your picks with
us today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Will Next Generation Cryptocurrencies Facilitate Trans-Border Trade and Monetary Transactions?
Friends, cryptocurrencies have the potential to increase
transaction speed and reduce the cost of trans-border trade and financial
transactions. Ripple
purports to conduct 1,500 transactions
per second, than six times faster than PayPal. What's more, Ripple's
transactions comes in at just a fraction of a cent, which could prove
significantly more attractive than PayPal, depending on the sender and receiver
of funds. Ripple's transactions comes in at just a fraction of a cent,
which could prove significantly more attractive than PayPal, depending on the
sender and receiver of funds. Transaction
speeds vary widely among cryptocurrencies. While
currently limited to cross-border payments involving British pounds and Fijian
dollars, the early-stage platform is nonetheless designed to scale to handle
seven fiat currencies in the South Pacific - including the Australian dollar,
the New Zealand dollar and the Tonga pa'anga. Perhaps the platform's most
distinguishing characteristic, however, is that the project showcases how private and public Blockchain
technologies are increasingly being used in tandem. While IBM's Blockchain
solutions are designed to complete much of the workflow around transaction
clearing, the actual settlement will be conducted using Stellar's Blockchain. What
is your assessment? Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Reuters Prepares to Release a new Bitcoin Sentiment Tracker
it is quite easy to feel overwhelmed by the vast volume of news, ICOs, vendor
announcements, etc. concerning the Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain
arena. To help us separate real news from the chatter Reuters and its partner
MarketPsych Data will scan over 400 portals to select the most relevant
market-moving developments and convert them into a tradeable index as part of a
new version of its MarketPsych
Indices service. Bottom line: Less is more and quality is far more
important than quantity of information for traders, investors, VCs, bankers and
researchers alike. The goal here is on intelligent “tradeable” information. Send us your thoughts. Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Monday, March 12, 2018
Will Gold-Backed Cryptocurrencies Outperform Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin?
a token or coin is issued that
represents a value of gold (for example 1 gram of gold equals 1 coin). The gram
of gold is stored by a trusted custodian (preferably third party), and can be
traded with other coin holders. Some countries starting with Kyrgyzstan in central Asia
plan to issue their own national cryptocurrencies backed by gold. If
the cryptocurrency becomes popular then the price of the coin can potentially
increase in value, greater than the value of gold. Much more mainstream is the UK’s Royal Mint, the
government institution responsible for producing all the physical money the
country has for circulation, which has announced the launch of its own gold-backed
cryptocurrency. It is a Blockchain-based coin called Royal Mint Gold (RMG), is a digital representation
of gold. Thus, the key question for investors and researchers alike is simply
this: Will gold-backed currencies outperform other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin,
Ethereum, Litecoin, etc.? Send
us your comments. Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Saturday, March 10, 2018
At the Intersection of Blockchain and Big Data
most of us know that Blockchain is an enabling technology that is poised to
transform industries and their business processes. Even more exciting is the
potential when Blockchain
is integrated into other emerging technologies such as Machine Learning, AI and
Big Data. Such nexuses are boni fide strategic multipliers. Big Data
analyses are performed by building
models, based on the data we can collect, and then running simulations, modifying
the value of data points each time and monitoring how it impacts our results. Blockchains greatly improve transparency
in data analytics. Unlike previous algorithms, Blockchain design rejects any
input that it cannot verify and is deemed suspect. Analysts in industries like
Retail only deal with data that is completely transparent. The customer
behavior patterns that Blockchain systems identify are likely to be much more
accurate than it is today. That is the concept. But in reality will the
nexus of Blockchain and Big Data fulfill this vision? Send us your comments.
Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Friday, March 9, 2018
Assessing the Impact of Blockchain on Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
Friends, Blockchain provides users with a
digital public record of Bitcoin transactions (the digital currency through
which these transactions are conducted) that have been executed by a particular
entity. It is inherently difficult for hackers to manipulate. Copies of the
Blockchain are distributed across potentially thousands of participants in the
database. The results is that hackers would have to individually access and
manipulate every single copy of the distributed Blockchain. Leveraging
a Blockchain platform for AML
nationwide or across a geographical region will give regulators, auditors and
other stakeholders an effective and powerful set of tools to monitor complex
transactions and immutably record the audit trail of suspicious transactions
across the system. We believe that Blockchain applied to AML has great
potential benefit to the banking and securities institutions such as the US SEC
and FINRA. And in turn, may also help impede nefarious transactions of
state-sponsored terrorism and mitigate strategies intended to subvert economic
sanctions placed on Russia, Iran and North Korea. Send us your
views. Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Can the Quantum Resistant Ledger (QRL) protect Blockchains from Quantum Computer Security Risks?
Friends, the Quantum Resistant
Ledger (QRL) project is a public Blockchain ledger designed to be secure
against quantum computing (QC) advances. Unlike existing ledgers, the QRL is
specially designed to use a form of post-quantum secure signature for
transactions called XMSS.
The QRL also uses a low power proof-of-stake (POS) algorithm which again utilizes
iterative hash-chains and provably secure hash-based pseudo random number
functions. The POS algorithm is designed to have zero reliance upon
conventional signatures which are vulnerable to a sufficiently powerful QC and
allows nodes to run on low power devices such as raspberry PI’s or laptops and
passively earn income by staking. Quantum
computers, with their increased efficiency, could solve it much quicker with
their better computing capabilities. This could make current encryption technology
ineffective and question the use of Blockchains. Let us know your thoughts
today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
A New Opportunity for Cryptocurrency Investors – the Coinbase Index Fund
when it comes to cryptocurrencies investors are beginning to have more options
to select from. Most of the hype in the press and media is about individual
traders who make or loose a fortune buying and selling Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin,
etc. I liken this to the boom and bust of the late 1990s. In the past
two years we have seen bona fide “investment” funds – both passive and actively
managed – infiltrate the cryptocurrency and Blockchain arena including BLCN, BLOK, Bitwise
HOLD 10 Private Index Fund, GBTC and many more.
This list just grew by one – enter the Coinbase
Index Fund which provides
investors exposure to all digital assets listed on Coinbase’s GDAX exchange weighted by market cap. Investors
must be US-residents and have a $10,000 USD
minimum to invest. Send us your feedback. Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
How will Blockchain transform the Cost of Trust paradigm?
a major goal of Blockchain
technology is to save time and money for businesses and their customers -- the
product of which will be increased trust and transparency in many currently
opaque industries. As transactions are executed and settled on a
distributed ledger (DLT), counterparties do not need to have an established
trust relationship. Deloitte Technology
Consulting believes a new "trust
economy" is now developing around person-to-person Blockchain-enabled transactions
that are not dependent on more traditional methods such as credit ratings or
guaranteed cashier's checks. An immutable and distributed ledger can be
more secure than even a centrally managed relational database because there is
no single server or node to attack. Let us know your predictions.
Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Assessing the impact of Blockchain on the future of Personal Genomics
professionals with even a superficial understanding of know that
Cryptocurrencies are only the starting point for Blockchain technology to
transform business models far beyond financial services and currency trading.
Enter Personal Genomics which has the capability to transform Healthcare and
Medical Services. Application of Blockchain will be a lifeline allowing to
upgrade the development of Personal Genomics enabling each person the owner of
his or her genetic data. Nebula Genomics – an offshoot of Harvard Medical
School plans to address challenges facing Personal Genomics by mapping
individuals’ genetic blueprints. Other vendors that are rapidly entering this segment
include Luna
DNA, Gene
Encrypgen Luna DNA Zenome Longenesis ,
and Zenome. What will be the future impact when two transformational
technologies – Personal Genomic and Blockchain – meet in the laboratory and
ultimately the global marketplace? For further insights see the Center for
Genetics and Society’s article entitled “Personal
Genomics Meets Blockchain” and send us your comments. Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Saturday, March 3, 2018
What is the best Cryptocurrency Mining Software for Your Needs?
cryptocurrency mining is rapidly moving from the realm of established firms and
well-funded start-ups to individuals who want to cash-in on the cryptocurrency
tsunami. Individual mining will give you large yet irregular payouts, whereas as
pooled mining will result in smaller and more stable payouts. AvalonMiner 741, BitMain Antminer S9, T-bao Ethereum Coin Mining Miner and Miner Baikal Giant X10 ASIC Bitcoin
Mining are among the leading ASIC hardware mining devices. But which
software should you use? Four products are top of mind. Yes, opinions vary,
nonetheless, consider four of the top rated products including BTCMiner, CGminer, BitMinter and BFGminer.
You want to ensure you select software that supports ASIC mining. Share your comments at the Cryptocurrency Academy (, Lawrence
Friday, March 2, 2018
How Can Blockchain Bolster Security for Federated Identity Management?
the intended purpose of Federated
Identity Management (FIMS) is to enable registered users of a specific domain
to access information from other domains without having to provide additional
administrative information. So how can Blockchain enhance FIMS security or will
Blockchain emerge as the backbone of a new universal Digital Identity System??
While Blockchain is not a security technology in itself, so the end game is to employ
Blockchain as the underlying storage technology supporting a viable FIMS. Firms
such as Credits.Vision, GEM, Ripple and many others are actively exploring this
issue. What do you think? Share your comments with the Cryptocurrency
Academy (
See you soon. Lawrence
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Can Cryptocurrencies Escape From Under the Silk Road’s Dark Web Legacy?
Road’s origins date back to 2011, some two years after the birth of Bitcoin.
Operating as an underground exchange hidden within the dark web, it was largely
known as a marketplace for illicit products and services (e.g. contraband and
narcotics). As we fast forward to 2018 Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are known
to be used for legitimate as well as shady business transactions which buyers
and sellers want to keep out of sight from sovereign governments, intelligence
entities and public corporations. Potential examples – suspected although not
fully verified – may include the illegal exchange of weapons of war and
biological agents as well as the vast arena of drug transactions (e.g. Russia,
Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan, and related cartels). So why does this matter?
Bottom line: If Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies are to
become accepted mainstream vehicles for global trade and commerce they will
need to shed their dark sides. Is this possible? Share your thoughts with the Cryptocurrency Academy (
See you soon, Lawrence
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