Colleagues, OPEC
was founded in 1960 and as of 2018 has 14 member nations which produce 44% of the world’s crude oil and possess 73$ of the world's "proven" oil reserves. OPEC members include Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Indonesia, Libya,
United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Nigeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Angola and Equatorial
Guinea. Crude oil itself is a quasi-world currency today. We also know that
some of these countries – most notably Iran – intend to use cryptocurrencies as
a means of bypassing economic trade sanctions. And others such as Saudi Arabia
may issue their own state-sponsored crude oil-backed cryptocurrencies. However,
a separate question remains: Will there come a time when one or perhaps all of
these nations will accept cryptocurrencies as “payment” for their crude oil? We
are beginning to see corporate entities such as Amazon
seriously exploring the acceptance of cryptocurrencies for their goods and services.
Will OPEC follow? Share a comment and subscribe today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Our mission is to provide Training and Certification programs to enable Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech traders and investors worldwide to achieve their career goals.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Does Currencies Direct’s Testing of Ripple’s xRapid platform move the currency into the mainstream?
Colleagues, overshadowed by its
most established competitors Bitcoin, Ethereum and LiteCoin, Ripple’s
cryptocurrency token is seeking to gain credibility as a top-tier player. Enter
UK-based Currencies Direct.
Earlier this week the forex brokerage firm reported it successfully completed multiple
trans-border transactions using the RippleNet platform. These transactions
purported closed within seconds rather than days with an OPEX savings of some
60%-70%. RTGS Blockchain’s
real-time gross settlement system lies at the core of Ripple’s XRP platform is being administered
by several financial organizations around the world. Two bottom line questions arise:
First, will these successful tests help Ripple gain the recognition and
adoption is so desperately is seeking? And second, how well do these test bode
for international payment processing for cryptocurrencies in general? Share a comment and subscribe today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Ushering in the Exahash Era with the SHA-256 Cryptocurrency Mining Algorithm
Colleagues, the Exahash
era of SHA-256 mining
is rapidly moving into the mainstream … and much sooner than expected. Exascale
computing is defined as a system that can process more than one exaflop per
second — which is equal to a billion billion calculations per second.
The BTC network surpassed
1 exaflop in May 0f 2013, which at the
time was up to eight times faster than the
combined speed of the top 500 supercomputers in the
world. Enter 2018. The BTC hashrate is over 30-35 exahash per second or over 30
billion gigahashes per second, and the BCH network is 3-5 exahash per
second or over 5
billion gigahashes per second. Nakamoto
consensus is a name for Bitcoin’s decentralized, pseudonymous consensus
protocol and is considered as Bitcoin’s core development and innovation. So
when will we see the 500 exahash zetahash era?
Share a comment and subscribe today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Friday, May 25, 2018
Japan’s Mitsubishi Financial Group latest firm to adopt Blockchain
payment speed increase and OPEX reduction once again are the business drivers
behind Japan’s largest bank to adopt Blockchain. Sounds familiar. MUFG
in partnership with Akamai
expect it to process over a million transactions per second with less latencies
of less than two seconds per transaction and ultimately with underlying Blockchain
architecture that is “expected to be extensible to 10 million transactions per
second.” By comparison, when Bitcoin backed by the world’s first Blockchain
can process seven transactions per second with latencies exceeding 10 minutes.
Read the joint May 21, 2018 announcement by clicking
here. This action comes just months after MUFG announces plans to
issue its own yen-backed
cryptocurrency in January of this year. The Cryptocurrency Academy is not
surprised by this move. Moreover, we predict a veritable tsunami of
cryptocurrency related Blockchain initiatives from major financial institutions
across North America, Asia and Europe in the coming months. So who is next in
line? Send us your comments and subscribe today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Thursday, May 24, 2018
How does the new Japanese GMO Titan V 8GPU Bitcoin Miner Stack-up against the Competition?
GMO Internet, the Japanese technology
firm will launch its new B2 miner with
7nm capabilities on June 6 with mass production and shipment starting by late October.
The GMO B2 7nm product uses semiconductors are
very small yet house over 20 billion transistors that will allow devices to
perform more complex calculations and purportedly at lower energy consumption
levels (… to be verified). We at the Cryptocurrency Academy we unable to locate
a publicly published price for the new mining device. Nonetheless, the key
question remains: How will the GMO B2 measure-up on a performance-to-cost basis
(when energy consumption is included in the equation) against leading products
today? Well, the TITAN V 8GPU
sells for $33.5k, Bitcoin Miner
A1 costs $11.9k, TITAN XP/V 8 GPU has an $8.9k price tag
and the Bitmain
Antminer S9 which sells for $6.9k. Send us your comments and subscribe today! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy (
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Will PayPal’s Expedited Virtual Currency Transaction System Speed-up Payments?
the goal of PayPal’s application for a “Expedited
Virtual Currency Transaction System" with the US Patent and Trademark
Office is to speed-up payment processing. Reducing speed generally carries the
benefit of lower OPEX. To achieve this the leading payments services firm
proposed a method creating secondary wallets with their own unique private keys
for sellers and buyers. This innovative system would transfer private keys tied
to an exact amount of a cryptocurrency. PayPal joins the ranks of JP Morgan and
other firms seeking a first mover advantage in the processing of
Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. On a broader front, PayPal is among the
growing list firms such as Microsoft, PizzaforCoins, Overstock, Shopify and
Subway who accept payments in cryptocurrencies. Will PayPal’s new technology –
once approved – expedite payments (and lower transaction costs)? And which
firm(s) are next in line to accept cryptocurrency payments? Send us your
comments and subscribe today! Lawrence,
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Sizing-up the new Infinito ‘Universal’ Wallet – Reality or Hype?
cryptocurrency wallets … hardware, software, paper-based and electronic. They
come in a variety of form factors. Enter the Infinito Wallet which purports to
universally carry your codes for a multitude of cryptocurrencies. Among its key
features are enhanced speeds, price optimization, QR code scanning, contracts
management, touch ID support and more. The Crytocurrency Academy’s chief
concern is security and convenience, otherwise this next gen feature set is
quite impressive. While the concept of a ‘universal’ coin wallet is not new, if
Infinito can in fact deliver on its feature and function claims this new wallet
would appear to be bleeding edge. Any crypto wallet is no better than the
security it provides to its owners. By contrast, the ability to carry one
wallet from which you can trade multiple currencies offers significant
convenience. Bottom line: How does the Infinito Wallet compare to the most
popular wallets on the market today including TREZOR,
KeepKey, Coinbase,
Ledger BLUE and
the Ledger Nano S?
us your comments and subscribe today! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy
Saturday, May 19, 2018
J.P. Morgan Pioneers Blockchain for Inter-Bank Payments with US Patent application
after initial hesitation toward Blockchain in 2015-2017
Jamie Dimon’s team a J.P. Morgan filed a patent
for inter-bank payments using the technology late last year as disclosed by the
US Patent Office this month. The focus of this patent – awaiting approval – in on cross-border
payments which require “a number of messages” be sent between the bank and 3rd
party clearing houses involved in the transaction. These transactions on a
Blockchain would reduce high costs, process payments in real time with a
verifiably true audit trail while providing accurately logging of the
transactions. Cryptocurrency Academy believes this is a sign of things to come
and fully expects other money center banks worldwide to file their own patents.
Bottom line: Blockchain has the potential to reduce costs, speed-up payment
processing and do so in a secure manner. In March 2018 financial messaging provider SWIFT worked with 34 global
banks to test a DLT
proof of concept (PoC) to help with Nostro
account reconciliation. Share a comment and subscribe
today! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy (
Thursday, May 17, 2018
How Pervasive is the Google Chrome Malware Nigelify Used for Crypto Mining?
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Will Iran Use Cryptocurrencies to Evade US Sanctions Following JCPOA Exit?
Friends, the US stands ready to aggressively apply economic and
technology sanctions on Iran following its May 9, 2018 withdrawal from JCPOA. However, do
not expect Iran to passively accept the reinstatement of sanctions which have
crippled its economy. A key premise shared by the Cryptocurrency Academy and
other entities is that Iran will actively pursue the use of trans-border trade
with Russia and its other allies to evade US sanctions. Security
vulnerabilities, money
laundering and limited ability to monitor international
trade transactions represent the dark side of cryptocurrencies. We predict
that Iran is not alone, rather bad actors – whether state-sponsored or independent
– including Russia, Syria, North Korean, Venezuela, ISIS and AOAP should all be
on the US intelligence radar screen for using Cryptocurrencies to conduct
transactions which defy international law and United Nations degrees. Bottom
line: The US CIA in conjunction with the Treasury Department need to double-down
on their proactive and forensic crypto surveillance capabilities to thwart
illicit trade using Cryptocurrencies. Comment and subscribe today! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Can Amazon Meet the Blockchain Needs of its AWS Customers via Kaleido?
although AWS represents only 9% of
Amazon’s revenue its 49% growth rate and strong margins are rapidly moving it
to cash cow status with the firms portfolio of businesses. Enter Blockchain.
Specifically, AWS’ 1m+ active users are demanding the tools and resources to
Blockchain-enable their AWS services. Where to begin? Today Amazon announced a
Blockchain partnership with Consensys
(a Blockchain incubator) graduate Kaleido. Little is
known about Kaleido, yet we are sure that Amazon has done its due diligence.
Let’s give Amazon credit for forming this partnership. However, questions
remain. Does Kaleido’s products and services have the functionality,
scalability and support capabilities needed to support the voracious Blockchain
appetite of 1m+ AWS users? Prediction: As Amazon tests the water with Kaleido,
if this week’s Consensus 2018 Conference in any indicator, we expect the Seattle
behemoth to make one if not multiple Blockchain acquisitions during the next
year for AWS. And by the way we would not be surprised to see Amazon make one
or more Cryptocurrency acquisitions in the next 3-5 years to fuel the payments
site of its global eCommerce empire. Share your comments and subscribe today! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy (
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Prediction: A New World Order - Blockchain + Internet 2.0 + Next Gen Cryptocurrencies
for those who witnessed the “ bust” and “irrational exuberance” of the
late 1990s-early 2000s we also observed the re-emergence of tech and social
media a decade later which far outweighed the cataclysmic downturn. Enter 2018:
It is not unfathomable to anticipate a similar business cycle for Blockchain,
the Internet and Cryptocurrencies. We predict with a 50%+ probability that the
next 3-5 years will likely see a disruptive shakeout of major proportions.
Bottom line: This shakeout is likely to have three crucial elements. First, the
widespread adoption of Blockchain
across multiple industries and business processes … far beyond the financial
sector. Second, the emergence of a Blockchain-enabled Internet 2.0 featuring voice, video, data
and AI. And third, next
gen Cryptocurrencies purpose-built for the Internet 2.0 used for both
individual and institutional along with domestic and trans-border secure
transactions and payments. Together these three capabilities will propel the
global 21st century economy beyond anything we have witnessed to
date. And yes, much more to come on this topic. Share your comments today! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy (
Friday, May 11, 2018
What does Facebook’s Future Hold Regarding Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies?
some 1.2B of Facebook’s 2.2B monthly active users engage with the social media
firm’s Messenger service. Moreover, much of Facebook’s business model is based
upon centralized systems and databases. Enter Blockchain featuring DLT
(Distributed Ledger Technology) and the explosive growth of Cryptocurrencies
which by their very design are highly decentralized architectures and value
chains. If you we sitting in Mark
Zuckerberg’s CEO chair what is your strategy? Well, the company formally
announced it will evaluate the potential of Blockchain led by hand-picked David
Marcus, Facebook’s VP of Messenger, former President of PayPal and Coinbase board member. Our view is that
any large tech company needs to embrace rather than resist the megatrend called
Blockchain … even if it involves
overhauling its business model. The question then becomes: Does the free
world’s largest social media company also pursue the creation and launch of its
own Cryptocurrency?
And if so, which assets are used to back such a currency? This is a pivotal
nexus in the firm’s history – it can choose to lead or follow. Despite obvious uncertainty
we believe Facebook needs to take appropriate risks needed to maintain its
leadership role starting today. More, much more to come on this topic. Share your
thoughts! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy (
Thursday, May 10, 2018
From Prediction to Reality: Goldman Sachs’ Intent to Launch Bitcoin Trading
recently we published a post entitled “Prediction: Cryptocurrency Trading
Services Will Be Launched on NASDAQ and Leading Financial Management Firms.”
Soon thereafter Wall Street’s largest investment bank Goldman Sachs reported that
their customers see alternative stores of value in holding Bitcoin or Bitcoin
futures. And like any market/customer-driven business Goldman apparently
listened. Yes, many questions needs to be answered before launching such a
service. Among them: Minimum investment amount? Array of investment
alternatives – whether actual crypto tokens and or futures contracts? Will the
service be available to any and all Goldman customers or only legacy
institutional customers? Externally, top of mind questions which arise include
which competing investment firms will follows? The breadth and scope of their
services? The amount of overhead (OPEX) such firms will be willing to invest to
please their clients, etc? Lesson learned: Successful businesses focus their
attention and resources on delivering bona fide “value” to their customers. Share
your thoughts today! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy (
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Prediction: Cryptocurrency Trading Services Will Be Launched on Nasdaq and Leading Financial Management Firms
we believe that in the next 2-3 years Cryptocurrencies will be traded on the
Nasdaq and that leading financial management-investment firms will establish
dedicated services for both traders and investment professionals … initially in
the US and rapidly followed by Asia and Western Europe. CEO Adena
Friedman recently said that “certainly Nasdaq would
considering become a crypto exchange over time.” Topping the short list of
challenges are 1) Cryptocurrencies being officially categorized as securities,
and 2) Appropriate regulatory oversight by the US
SEC. Other key issues include transparency and security which cast
significant fear, uncertainty and doubt around this this topic. Few doubt the growing inertia of the
Cryptocurrency juggernaut. As such, it is not untenable to foresee the likes of
Blackrock, Fidelity, BNP Pariba, Schwab, Vanguard, Goldman, Amundi, SuMi
TRUST and Deutsche Asset Management forming Cryptocurrency trading services for
retail and institutional investors. Let us know your thoughts today! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy (
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Fast Approaching the Intersection of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
imagine two opposing technical worldviews racing toward a common destination -
to empower and transform society as we know it. This analogy holds true when it
comes to Blockchain (a more centralized view) and AI/Machine Learning (a more
centralized view). Both technologies have untold value and potential, however,
when some of the brightest minds on planet earth envisage their convergence the
stakes rise exponentially. Cryptics will introduce an algorithm focusing
on predicting changes in the valuation of crypto-assets globally. Neureal’s
focus is on peer-to-peer AI supercomputing. KapeIQ’s mission is
to deliver fraud detection for healthcare organizations. And EthVentures’ goal is to manage investments on digital
tokens. These firms are but the tip of the proverbial Blockchain-AI
iceberg which is rapidly moving from the fringe to mainstream business
transformation. Just what will the Blockchain-AI arena look like 2-3 years from
now may defy one’s imagination? So share your insights today! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy
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