Colleagues, following high profile cyber
security breaches against CoinSecure and CoinCheck earlier this year, crypto-mining attacks have skyrocketed in 2018 representing a
plague on the global crypto ecosystem. In its Mid-Year 2018 Security Report TrendMicro states “We also detected a
significant number of new cryptocurrency
miner malware
families, showing that cybercriminals remained keenly interested in profiting
from digital currencies.” The Necurs exploit kit, CVE-2017-10271 via port
7001/TCP and Web miner script in AOL ad platform are some of the more notable
cyber security used by crypto-miner attackers. Moreover, while cyber-attacks
related to crypto mining far outpace other types of attacks, direct attacks against
crypto exchanges are on the rise. Where does this leave the integrity of the
global cryptosphere? Bottom line: The nature and rise in these attacks will
continue to hinder the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies around the world. While
far easier said than done, cryptosphere security needs to take a quantum step
forward to gain and maintain a proactive advantage over the crypto threat
juggernaut. Send us your thoughts
today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Our mission is to provide Training and Certification programs to enable Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech traders and investors worldwide to achieve their career goals.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Can the Petro Cryptocurrency Save Venezuela from Financial Collapse?
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
NASAA Regulators Zero In on Securities Fraud – What is the Impact of Operation Cryptosweep?
Colleagues, Operation Cryptosweep (aka “OC”) is a joint effort of regulators
from the US, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada and the US Virgin Islands targeting
unregistered ICOs and related securities fraud. Overseeing OC is The North American Securities
Administrators Association (NASAA). At is core is the US SEC’s Cyber Taskforce which was launched in September
2017. To date OC has led to some 200 crypto-related investigations. Bottom
line: While we support the appropriate regulation of the cryptosphere the
question of OC’s effectiveness is more than valid. Noteworthy exceptions to the
list of member states are Caribbean nations known for money laundering and
non-transparent offshore bank accounts. Antigua and the Cayman Islands are top
of mind. Bottom line: The OC will have a positive effect on reducing
crypto-related securities and ICO fraud, however, further attention needs to be
given to other countries known for their nefarious roles in the broader crypto
economy. Send us your thoughts today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Freedom of Speech in Peril as China’s Baidu Tieba Shuts-Down Cryptocurrency Online Forums
Monday, August 27, 2018
Will Iran’s State-Backed Cryptocurrency Enable the Country to Evade US Economic Sanctions?
Colleagues, Iran
has taken a major step toward the creation of a state-backed cryptocurrency. The primary goal of this effort is assumed to
be the country’s circumvention of new US economic sanctions in the wake of US President
Trump revoking support of the Iran
nuclear arms accord in May 2018. Work on a national cryptocurrency dates back
to late 2017 when the US President re-affirmed his campaign promise to revoke
the accord and re-impose stiff trade sanctions. This initiative has the backing
of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and is led
by their National
Cyberspace Center. Back in January 2018 the US
Treasury issued a severe warning against
Iran’s use of cyber warfare and development of a cryptocurrency for this very
reason. Bottom line: Iran, Russia and Venezuela has announced plans to develop
digital currencies for the purpose of evading Western (aka US) trade sanctions.
Transaction “transparency” is a vital factors in whether their efforts will be
successful at essential protecting nefarious money
laundering activities. We assume the
currencies which be intentionally designed to avoid detection by the US and its
allies. Details to follow in the coming months.
Share your thoughts today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Will social media-based payment tools allow for “secure” cryptocurrency transactions and fundraising?
Colleagues, Google Pay, Alipay, WeChat Pay and Facebook Payments are among the most popular tools for online
payments, money transfers and fundraising. Each tool is confronted with the
dilemma of whether to accept cryptocurrency transactions. The Chinese Banking
Regulatory Commission and the People’s Bank of China have release strong
warnings against the so-called “crypto payments model”. In the US Google Pay
and Facebook Payments are faced with similar challenges. They are global
platforms and what is acceptable in one country or region may be prohibited
elsewhere. The potential security risks are numerous – exchange fraud, money laundering, lack of transaction transparency along with the fundamental integrity of many
second and third tier cryptocurrencies are bona fide concerns among government
regulators, platform vendors and users alike. There is no “one size fits all”
solution. Bottom line: We see marriage of online payment tools and
cryptocurrencies as yet another ‘test’ as cryptos seek mass market adoption.
Like other crypto related challenges we do believe that in time such issues
will be resolved … although for now no one knows the precise solution. Share your thoughts today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Friday, August 24, 2018
How can Blockchain be used to secure digital documents and transactions in the public sector?
Colleagues, with good intensions the Japanese,
Chinese, American and British governments are exploring the use of Blockchain
to securely maintain and transmit documents containing sensitive information
about their citizens. The latest example of the UK’ Ministry of Justice assessment of Blockchain for protecting its
repository of digital forms of evidence. In the US Blockchain represents a
means of securely processing records for Social Security, Medicare and other
entitlement programs. Noble endeavors indeed. Nevertheless, the obvious dilemma
is that such data and documents needed for smooth government processes will
only be as secure as the Blockchains used to manage them. Protecting cryptographic keys remains
a top concern. Using hardware security modules (HSMs) and trusted computers in
place of digital wallets and as Blockchain nodes will give security-conscious
users and organizations greater confidence. As reported by McKinsey and Company recent breaches of crypto exchanges clearly indicate that
Blockchain participants and their access to the Blockchain represent a security
weakness that must be addressed before the technology. Bottom line: As we have
previously reported Blockchain adoption will be directly correlated to the
level of both perceived
and actual security. Such security is likely to
increase as the technology matures. Share your thoughts today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Thursday, August 23, 2018
What will it take for the US SEC to approve cryptocurrency ETFs?
Colleagues, the US SEC
maintained its tough stance when it comes to its approval or denial of
cryptocurrency ETFs when it refused to grant approval of two new funds
submitted by NYSE-based
Arca. The Cryptocurrency
Academy knows that the US SEC,
similar to the Federal Reserve Board, views cryptos as highly speculative
investment vehicles. The underlying issue is that both the SEC and the Fed are
not convinced that Bitcoin and
its sibling Altcoins are
bona fide “securities”. Neither of the two Arca
proposals would hold “tangible crypto tokens”. Moreover, they are based on
crypto “futures”. The combination of these two facts is a non-starter from
their perspective. So what are potential crypto investors to do? We see two
options. First, invest directly in the cryptocurrencies of choice. And second –
as we have commented on over the past few months – invest in the underlying
Blockchain software firms. Bottom line: We maintain our prediction that within
the next 24-36 months as cryptos gain maturity and market adoption along with strict
governance the SEC will much more positively predisposed to approve crypto-related
funds. Share your thoughts today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
What would be the impact of securing the Siacoin Distributed Storage Protocol have on Crypto Mining?
Colleagues, the global
cryptosphere is rigorously debating the security of the Siacoin Distributed Storage Protocol
(aka the Siacoin Blockchain). More security translates into higher trust and
integrity of the platform … right? The answer depends on which segment of the
crypto ecosystem you ask. The new security code would fork Siacoin and in turn
disabling mining products offered by Bitmain
and Innosilicon. At
press time we are waiting for Nvidia
and AMD
to weigh-in on this matter. Both companies have seen demand for their mining ASICs slow during
H1 2018. So what is the end goal? Some would say driving increased capacity
around the world to create a data storage marketplace that is more reliable and
lower cost than traditional cloud storage providers. Our view is that this inevitable
debate represents just one more growing pain as cryptocurrencies and their
underlying Blockchains mature. The issue will get resolved and yes there will
be winners and losers. More to come. Share your thoughts today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Are cryptocurrencies illegal in Islamic nations? They are banned in Saudi Arabia
Colleagues, here at the Cryptocurrency Academy
we are not predisposed to playing politics. Yet, in the kingdom of Saudi
Arabia we see the collision of cryptocurrencies, religion and government leading
to the prohibition of crypto activity “within” the countries boarders. The Crown Prince Mohammad bin
Salman has
declared them as a fraud as well as a potential breach of Sharia law. The key question becomes how
pervasive is the prohibition of cryptocurrencies across the Islamic world?
Islamic nations are not all created equal and some governments are strictly
conservative while others are more open to so-called Western trends. Qatar, the
UAE, Indonesia and Malaysia are much more progressive in their thinking and
business practices. Iran,
for purely financial reasons, is launching its own government-back
cryptocurrency as a means of evading US economic trade sanctions. Bottom line:
The Cryptocurrency
Academy views Saudi Arabia as the outlier when it comes to banning
cryptocurrencies while other Islamic nations are racing to embrace them with
the goal of giving their economies a viable position in the global financial
system. Let us know your thoughts today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Monday, August 20, 2018
Mining Malware at Fault a Cryptocurrency Theft of Some $87B in China
Colleagues, as we have previously reported
mining malware has far outpaced the growth of ransomware over the past year
when it comes to cryptocurrency theft. The most recent example is the theft in
China valued at $87B of cryptocurrency by mining malware at the hands of three
cyber criminals. Although details are limited, we understand this malware crime
to be launched by Chinese nationals against Chinese cryptocurrency investors.
To date we have seen many mining malware crimes initiated from within China
targeting cryptocurrency investors located abroad. McAfee Labs’
Threats Report for June 2018 identified more
than 2.9 million samples of crypto-mining malware in Q1 2018 alone versus 400k
attacks in Q4 2017 Q4 with JavaScript being the tool of choice when targeting
web browsers. Bottom line: Both individual as well as corporate crypto
investors need to be proactive in preventing crypto theft. Individuals needs to
ensure the security on their computers and smartphones is as robust and
up-to-date as possible, while institutions (corporations and telecom carriers)
need to focus on router security. Share your comments today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency Academy (
Thursday, August 16, 2018
How critical in SIM Swap Fraud theft to cryptocurrency investors?
Colleagues, when members of the cryptocurrency
ecosystem assess security threats SIM Swap Fraud likely ranks quite low on the
priority list. Nevertheless, for cryptocurrency investors who use
software-based crypto wallets the impact of SIM
Swap Fraud can be
significant. Case I point is the $224m
law suit filed against AT&T by crypto investor Michael Terpin. Such fraud
is a form of identity theft in which thieves convince untrained or unsuspecting
telecom carrier and smartphone vendor support staff of the need to upgrade a
SIM card. In turn the thieves gain access to most all of the phones apps and
security information. The US
Federal Trade Commission has been aware of this scheme for at least two
years, however, there is little evidence that phone manufacturers and carriers
have implemented protocols (e.g. human factors prevention methods) to reduce
such crime. SIM Swap Fraud takes advantage of the rise of cryptocurrency
software wallets and identify theft schemes. Cryptocurrency investors need to assess
the risk-reward level of software vs. hardware vs. paper wallets along with
their vulnerability to ID theft. Bottom line: SIM Swap Fraud is one more
weakness is the broader crypto ecosystem which traders and investors need to
mitigate. Share your comments today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency Academy (
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
What impact will Axoni’s AxCore distributed ledger have on Blockchain auditing and assurance?
Colleagues, the holy grail of Blockchain-based
distributed ledgers is likely to be auditability and assurance for domestic and
trans-border financial transactions. Auditability and assurance in the
Blockchain world are synonyms for “transparency” … the elusive element that has
been a critical barrier to adoption for cryptocurrencies. Enter AxCore, the new auditable distributed ledger
technology from Axoni which has raised some $55m
venture capital in total from
the likes of Andreessen Horowitz, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo and
other firms with a vested stake in fintech. While still in its infancy AxCore’s
distributed ledger technology is a potential breakthrough which could
propel Blockcain in general and leading cryptocurrencies in specific from early
adopter to mass market adoption. A recent report from AICPA entitled “Audit
& Assurance Alert — Blockchain Technology and Its Potential Impact on the
Audit and Assurance Profession” could be a forerunner to such a technology paradigm shift
with major implications for the broader cryptosphere and fintech ecosystem. Share your comments today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency Academy (
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Crypto Money Laundering, Fraud and Mining Malware Drive Increase in FinCEN SARs
Colleagues, over the past year Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) – a branch of the US Treasury - has
reported a significant increase in Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs). Money
laundering, fraud and mining malware complaints by financial institutions have
all contributed to a rise in SARs to over 1500
per month. It is no
wonder that the rise in SARs is directly correlated with in growth in
cryptocurrency market capitalization. And in turn, cybercrime – which are at
the core of SARs – also correlates the number and trading volume of
cryptocurrencies. FinCEN offers an online SAR Stats reporting tool in their web site. Bottom line:
The Cryptocurrency Academy and Cyber
Security Defender propose the
formation of cybercrime protection alliance between the US Treasury, financial
institutions, crypto exchanges and security vendors with the goal of reducing cybercrime
related to the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Share your comments
today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency Academy (
Monday, August 13, 2018
How will Bitcoin’s emerging crypto monopoly impact global cryptocurrency markets?
Colleagues, despite an aggregate decline in
total cryptocurrency market cap since early CY2018, Bitcoin’s percent of total market value has reached
staggering 50% threshold. Data also reveal that the top 5 cryptocurrencies –
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Ripple – control almost 60% of
the global crypto market. View the data from CoinMarketCap tracking stats. The Cryptocurrency Academy and the Cyber Security Defender draw two key conclusions from these
numbers. First, is the definitive market vale concentration – which is nearing
monopoly status – around Bitcoin. Thus, the extended crypto ecosystem needs to
serve customers by developing tools and applications which are purpose-built
for Bitcoin. Second, is the rapid bi-furcation of the global cryptocurrency
market between the “Big 5” and the second-tier cryptocurrencies which serve
niche geographic- and application-specific markets. We believe that bad actors
– such as Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, ISIS, and AOAP - will be the
primary users of this cryptocurrency underclass of as they seek to evade
economic sanctions and conduct nefarious financial transactions with
little-to-no transparency. Share your comments today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Does Bitmain’s Plans Signal a Major Wave of Crypto IPOs?
Colleagues, by most
accounts China-based Bitmain is the
world’s largest cryptocurrency mining operator and manufacturer of mining
CPU-GPUs. Potentially valued at some $18 B Bitmain’s
IPO could usher in a major trend for crypto-blockchain companies with plans
to move out of the shadows and go public. Bitmain controls about 40% crypto
mining pools and over 66% of mining equipment. The Cryptocurrency Academy
does not find this move a surprise. Rather, we fully expect several IPOs over
the coming 12-24 months of industry-leading crypto and blockchain ecosystem
players to go public. This includes crypto exchanges, mining equipment vendors
and mining operators, blockchain software firms and custody service companies
as the industry matures. Which firms come to mind? Crypto exchange Binance and OKEx, Mining pools and Bitmain
competitors and AntPool. Blockchain software players Kik Interactive, Coindesk and
just to name a few. Such IPOs are in addition to the tsunami of cryptocurrency
ICOs witnessed during the past two years. Share your comments
today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Friday, August 10, 2018
Cyber Attacks Targeting Crypto Mining Continue to Infect Hundreds of Thousands of Devices
Colleagues, 2018 has
seen the meteoric rise in cyber-attacks focusing on crypto mining applications.
Thus, it is no surprise that over 170,000 consumer devices in Brazil which
operate under MicroTik
routers were infected with Coinhive
mining software. Both SkyBox
and Trustwave
security firms affirms such attacks. We reported earlier this week that some
32% of cyber-attacks now involve crypto mining which far outweighs the
relatively modest 8% of ransomware attacks. The weakest link in the crypto
ecosystem appears to be network routers. Our previous post cited Cisco
routers. Now MicroTik is also on the target list. Bottom line: Whether corporate
or service provider networks, router hygiene is of utmost importance. Keeping
all security software and patches up-to-date has become more critical than
ever. We recommend that IT professionals managing routers increase their vigilance
by: A) Tracking security threats, and B)
Maintaining security software. Each router vendor maintain security threat
alerts and mitigation tactics on their web sites. Bottom line: The cyber threat
against network routers by nefarious crypto miners is likely to get much worse
until vendors can make a quantum leap forward in their security measures. Share your comments
today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
How susceptible are Twitter and Facebook to spreading malicious cryptocurrency botnets?
Colleagues, yesterday Duo
reported that some 88 million Twitter accounts fell prey to a malicious botnet
spreading a fraudulent cryptocurrency giveaway program. Many of us, myself
included, saw messages from this botnet and simply paid no attention.
Nonetheless, the security issued a paper at the Black Hat 2018 conference entitled “Don’t @ Me – Hunting Twitter Bots at
The paper describes the “Anatomy of a Twitter Bot” on page 14 of the report. We
know that Facebook and Twitter have purportedly taken major steps to reinforce
their platform and account security in recent months given pressure from the US
Congress and the European Union. Bottom line: How secure are social media
platforms against penetration by and in turn spreading malware such as the
Twitter botnet? The fact that the about 88 million accounts we effected
strongly suggests that social media take a quantum leap in security to ensure
their users remain secure. As of this writing Twitter has not publically
affirmed this attack. Duo Security plans to publish mitigation tactics for this
malware on GitHub in the coming days. Share your comments
today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Will the LevelTradingField Derivatives Exchange Offer More Opportunity Than Risk for Cryptocurrency Traders?
Monday, August 6, 2018
What impact will NASDAQ’s moves to regulate cryptocurrencies have on speeding market adoption?
Colleagues, the Cryptocurrency Academy has previously reported that Nasdaq CEO Adena Friedman anticipates that
cryptocurrencies will rapidly move out of the shadows and into the mainstream
of financial trading and investing on the NASDAQ … and likely other traditional
financial exchanges. Nonetheless, she also sees formal regulation of Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Litecoin, etc. as a
vital prerequisite for crypto trading on the NASDAQ. Therefore it comes as no
surprise that Friedman recently met with leaders of several leading crypto
ecosystem entities. The nexus of NASDAQ and cryptos is clear: Both want
legitimate and sustainable growth that is credible for traders and
institutional investors alike. Bottom line: How and when with the US SEC implement a viable securities
framework for cryptocurrencies? The Cryptocurrency Academy predicts that the US SEC
will offer its proposed regulations for comment by the US cryptosphere within
the next 12 months and then rapidly push for Congressional approval in 2020. Share your comments
today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Do Coinbase Commerce and WooCommerce signal a new era of the “Cryptosphere Triple Play"?
Colleagues, the new Coinbase
Commerce plug-in will enable Woocommerce
platform users to make eCommerce payments via cryptocurrencies. While this
model is nothing new it does represent a significant step in the market
adoption of cryptocurrencies which seek to cross the chasm from early adopters
to the mass market. The broader issue is the integration of three vital
elements of the global cryptosphere – the marriage of top currencies, high
volume exchanges, eCommerce technology vendors and eCommerce platforms. Bitcoin is the world’s
most valuable cryptocurrency. Coinbase
is the largest crypto exchange. And Woocommerce
is the market share leader among eCommerce software vendors. The open issue is
how aggressively commercial B2C and B2B players Amazon, Alibaba will and eBay
adopt cryptocurrencies as a method of payment. The Cryptocurrency Academy
predicts a potential “crypto triple play” by Amazon,
Alibaba and eBay in the coming 12-24 months. First, is the
high probability they will accepts crypto payments. Second, Amazon and Baba could
likely acquire or launch their own crypto exchanges. And third, we would not be
surprised to see Amazon and Baba introduce ICOs. Send us your
comments today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Friday, August 3, 2018
What is the risk-reward trade-off for Ethereum’s migration to the Casper Proof-of-Stake model?
Colleagues, the Ethereum ecosystem is facing a hard
fork this October with the implementation of two EIPs currently under
consideration – EIP
1240 and EIP
1276. At stake are the so-called
difficulty bomb and the security model used by the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin has limited its currency to 21
million tokens, whereas Ethereum lacks consensus regarding the number of coins
to be issued. All of the above pose a significant risk-reward junction for the
world’s second most valuable cryptocurrency. Decisions will impact the broader
ETH ecosystem in a big way. The Cryptocurrency Academy
would like to hear from Ethereum developers, traders and ecosystem partners on
their preferred approach to resolving these major issues which are legitimate
growing pains for the global cryptosphere. Send us your
comments today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (
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