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Wednesday, November 28, 2018
How secure are cryptocurrency software wallets against cyber criminals injecting malicious code?
Colleagues, the on-going
debate regarding which type of crypto wallet is more secure continues with no clear
consensus – hardware, software, clod-based and paper wallets. This debate has
returned to the spotlight given the recent security breach of BitPay’s Copay (software) Wallet. Copay claims its mobile The Copay app securely
stores multiple, distinct bitcoin wallets, allowing both business and
privacy-conscious users to keep funds carefully separated. GitHub issued a memo to users reporting an ‘event-stream` dependency attack steals wallets from users of copay. For details take
a look at the YCombinator news feed on this attack. The bottom line: For
individual digital asset traders software wallets are immensely more convenient
than hardware and paper wallets, however, they are far more prone to cyber-attacks
– quantum password processing, malware and adware … just to name a few. If you
do use a software wallet we highly recommend using any and all security
features at both the application and OS levels. The Copay breach reminds us
that the cryptocurrencies are no more secure than the weakest link in the
crypto ecosystem. Share a comment today!
Lawrence – Cryptocurrency Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Monday, November 26, 2018
What impact will ICE’s decision to delay the Bakkt platform launch on Bitcoin futures trading?
Colleagues, those of us in the
technology or financial services sectors know that product delays are common.
The Cryptocurrency Academy applauds ICE’s move to postpone Bakkt’s launch until late January 2019 for
the primary purpose of due diligence and quality control. ICE fully
acknowledges that Bitcoin futures are “commodities” (and not
“securities”) which must be refreshing news to the US
CFTC. Bakkt will set
the price in a one-day physically settled Bitcoin
futures contract. The billion-dollar question is what impact this delay will
have on cryptocurrency futures trading in general and Bitcoin prices in particular.
Bakkt is a strategic and high visibility launch for the global cryptocurrency
ecosystem. ICE is determined to get it right. The implications of a
faulty Bakkt platform launch would have major repercussions. We deem this delay
to be for all the right reasons, however, if it is pushed into February or
March institutional investor confidence will be heavily eroded. Share a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
What is the fate of cryptocurrency derivatives?
Colleagues, cryptocurrency ETFs, Exchange-Traded
Notes (ETNs), Futures Contracts and Swaps have drawn the scrutiny and ire of
regulatory bodies … particularly in England and the US. A key factor is whether
cryptocurrencies are categorized as securities or commodities. Moreover,
government entities are committed to protect the public interest of consumer or
individual traders which may not have the resources nor expertise of
institutional investors. This is true for the US CFTC and the British
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
In the US the CFTC has approved TrueEx exchange for Designated Contract
Marketplace (DCM) swaps. Brexit aside, the British FCA is seeking to
enforce the EU
Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5AMLD). The Cryptocurrency Academy
predicts that regulatory scrutiny for derivatives will not be resolved until
the more fundamental issues (e.g. the legitimacy of crypto assets as securities
or commodities are fully resolved in the coming 12-24 months. For now, we
recommend the individual traders take a cautious approach to derivatives. Post a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Monday, November 19, 2018
Is there a Crypto Ruble Central Bank Digital Currency in Russia’s future?
Colleagues, central bankers around the world have commented
on the viability of a CDDC in their respective nations for the past 2-3 years.
The US Federal Reserve, PBoC, Bank of England, EBC and the State Bank of the Russian Federation have each weighed-in on this critical matter. Although the Cryptocurrency Academy does not want to handicap the odds and timetable for each
nation state this we do know: The central banks of many of the world’s largest
economics are seriously considering a CBDC. We have previously published posts
on the US Fed and the PBoC. More recently, we have seen Russia’s central
bankers prediction of a CBDC within the next 24-36 months. This forecast is
generally in line with the statements (and actions) of their peers in other
nations. Nevertheless, the BoE would appear to be in the lead with the PBoC
Closely behind. The US Fed is cautiously assessing the viability of a US CBDC;
however, major concerns over security and transparency remain. Not so with the
PBoC which is actively developing the infrastructure for a Chinese CBDC as is
the BoE. Russian officials state that future Crypto Ruble might even have
parity with the existing fiat Ruble. We hold fast to our own prognostication:
Within 2-3 years, these nations – along with Japan – are highly likely to
have launched or be in an advanced development and testing phase of CBDCs. Post a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Friday, November 16, 2018
Will the enforcement of economic sanctions force crypto exchanges to purge Iranian traders?
Colleagues, Bittrex, BitMex and now Binance have banned Iranian
cryptocurrency traders in an effort to avoid penalties in the wake of US economic sanctions.
The exchanges issue a warning to users based in Iran to withdraw their funds or
face the confiscation of their assets. There are surely legitimate crypto
traders in the Persian state, however, the goal is to place an embargo on any
state-sponsored entities from circumventing US trade sanctions. Binance has
moved from China to Japan, while BitMex HQ is in Hong Kong and Bittrex is
located in the US. Exchanges, whether with large or modest trading volumes,
face penalties for aiding and abetting Iranian
actors from participating – even on the margins – in the global economy.
Will other crypto exchanges follow their lead? We believe the strategies of
other crypto platforms will depend on the rigor of direct or indirect US
penalties. Post a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Cryptocurrency Triple Play - How common are pyramid schemes similar to those in China, South Korea and Japan?
Colleagues, East Asia has become a hotbed for multi-level
marketing schemes which exploit the allure of and poor transparency of
cryptocurrencies, namely Bitcoin. Whether this past May in China
($47m) or more recently in South
Korea ($20m) and Japan
($68m), crypto fraud schemes are running rampant across the region. Bottom
line: Despite many efforts by credible members of the global crypto ecosystem,
digital such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and others, are wrought with the
potential for scams and related cybercrimes. Government enforcement entities
such as China’s Ministry
of Public Security or the US SEC only have the bandwidth
to track and prosecute a small minority of crypto fraud cases. We do not
foresee a significant reduction in crypto cybercrimes until government agencies
have both the cyber tools and manpower to launch a counter-offensive which is
likely to be 2-3+ years in the future. Post a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Is Venezuela’s Petro a Viable Option to Become OPEC’s Oil-backed Cryptocurrency?
Colleagues, most readers will know
that Venezuela’s socialist government wants to circumvent US economic sanctions
by launching its Petro (PDVSA) cryptocurrency. This move would
provide the beleaguered government access to financial resources it so desperately
needs. The broader issue is whether OPEC
should adopt the Petro as its de facto digital currency for global crude oil
transactions among both first and third world nations. Venezuela ranks a
distant 6th place behind Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, the UAE and
Kuwait according to crude oil production data from Statista. The Cryptocurrency Academy predicts that OPEC will steer clear of “little Venice’s”
Petro as reported by Prensa Latina and instead adopt an oil-back
cryptocurrency sponsored by Saudi Arabia’s Aramco in mid-late 2019. We also
predict that a Saudi sponsored currency is likely – by design – to be far more
transparent than the Petro when it comes to tracking payments and transactions. Post a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Thursday, November 8, 2018
What is the impact of the malicious JavaScript code injection into StatCounter’s URI among cryptocurrency exchanges?
the world’s thirty-eight largest crypto exchange Gate.io was successfully
hacked via the injection of code into StatCounter’s
URI “myaccount/withdraw/BTC”. Reported by security
firm ESET WeLiveSecurity
indicated that although Gate.io is the only known crypto exchange effected, all
of StatCounter’s some 2 million customer sites are at risk. For readers with a
programming background the code was injected via the Dean Edwards JS packer in
the middle of the script. We assume that economic gain is the chief motive
although the ESET report did not provide corroborating details. This cyber-attack
raises two questions. First, how susceptible are URIs (uniform
resource identifiers) to injections via the Dean Edwards packer? And second, how
many more web sites which use StatCounter – a competitor to Google Analytics –
are effected? We will continue to research answers to both questions. Share a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Is Bitfury in a position to challenge Bitmain for supremacy of crypto mining ASICs?
Colleagues, flush with $80m in new capital Bitfury
intends to take on Bitmain, NVidia and other mining ASIC vendors
with the introduction of its Clarke ASIC
chip. Not to be outdone, industry-leader Bitmain is launching its Antminer S15
and T15 machines featuring a 7nm ASIC tomorrow. This battle comes in the
wake of relatively flat demand for NVidia GPUs and a decline in sales by AMD.
In aggregate, these developments raise a fundamental question: What is the true
size (and duration) of the crypto mining market? Is the size of this market in
correlation with the market cap and number of crypto tokens – mostly Bitcoins –
in the global market? Alternatively, as some suggest, is crypto mining reaching
a market saturation point? The Cryptocurrency Academy
believes that the number of crypto tokens is far from being usurped, however,
we do not see the growth rates experienced in 2016-2018 to continue … with
Bitmain remain the ASIC market leader. Share your comments today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Will the identification and prosecution of Japan’s Zaif hackers deter future crypto exchange cybercrime?
Colleagues, last month we reported on the $60m crypto heist carried out against
Japan’s Zaif exchange. Japan Digital Design has apparently identified crypto transaction clues,
which they believe will lead them to the hackers of some $60m. This is good
news – any developments to help reduce crypto cybercrime only strengthen the
common good of the global cryptosphere. However, Zaif with its roughly $7.4m trading volume according to CoinMarketCap is at best a third tier crypto exchange and the theft of
$60m is a mere blip within the $212T global cryptocurrency arena. This leads us
to the obvious question: Will the capture and prosecution of the Zaif hackers
have a deterrent effect on other cyber-attacks against crypto exchanges around
the globe? Answer: Highly unlikely. The dramatic growth in digital asset growth
during the past year have made exchanges a “top priority” target for cyber
criminals. We stand by our previous guidance. Professional traders and
investors should stay with tier 1 exchanges such as Biance, Huobi,
OKEx, etc. – despite
their own pitfalls – which tend to offer more stringent security measures. Post a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Monday, November 5, 2018
Can Atomic Swap Technology Ensure the Security of the M-DEX Crypto Custody Mobile Exchange?
Colleagues, atomic
swaps (aka atomic cross-chain trading) is the
exchange of one cryptocurrency to another cryptocurrency without the need for a
trusted a third-party. Sovereign
Wallet intends to release M-DEX I January 2019 which is a custody-free
mobile exchange enabled by the MUI trading bot. Eliminating the trusted third
party has the allure of faster and lower cost cryptocurrency transactions. In
turn, the MUI
Token is purportedly backed by the Algorithm central bank. However, the fundamental question arises: How secure will M-DEX transactions be without the involvement of a third party custodian?
Security is tantamount to the integrity and success of the global crypto
ecosystem for individual traders and institutional investors alike. We believe
M-DEX offers great benefits, yet also comes with notable risk. Proceed with
caution until M-DEX is fully tested in a real-world environment.
Post a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Friday, November 2, 2018
How will BTC.com and AntPool’s actions impact SegWit transactions?
Colleagues, a titanic battle of cryptocurrency miners is forcing the issue a crucial
Blockchain hardfork vs. softfork. In the hardfork camp, Bitmain affiliates BTC.com and AntPool. Meanwhile, the Bitcoin Core camp
is defending a softfork. Caught in the middle is SegWit (“Segregated Witnesses”). Apparently,
BTC.com and AntPool are refusing to confirm SegWit block transactions. Bitmain
favors increasing the limit of block size. A brief history lesson in Blockchain
programming shows that hardforks – if not fully supported by the crypto
ecosystem – can lead to divisions of the broader crypto community. Such is the
case of the 2017 hardfork, which led to the split of Bitcoin
into Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. This issue is playing out in real-time and the Cryptocurrency Academy will provide an update once
details are confirmed. Post a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Investors Take Note – Intercontinental Exchange Will List its First Bitcoin Futures Contract in December
Colleagues, the advent of the ICE Bakkt physically settled daily Bitcoin futures contract would bring cryptocurrencies to the mainstream for
institutional investors. The NYSE’s parent company, ICE, decided that a futures
contract rather than a security was the most efficient route to market given
the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s “self-certification” process when compared to the US SEC’s stringent
process for approving ETFs. Each futures
contract will be valued at one (1) Bitcoin – currently trading at $6319.09 USD held in the Bakkt Digital Asset
Warehouse. While
most investor attention has been focused on have cryptocurrencies categorized
as “securities” (under the auspices of the US SEC), the ICE Bakkt futures
scenario opens-up a new vehicle for the trade of digital assets. We anticipate
similar moves by the US CBOE and its counterparts in Europe and
Asia over the next 12 months. Post a comment today! Lawrence – Cryptocurrency
Academy (https://cryptocurrencyacademy.blogspot.com/)
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Colleagues, we have written extensively about the CBDC initiatives underway in China (PBoC), US (US Federal Reserve) and the UK (Bank of...
Crypto Traders, gain a competitive advantage in cryptocurrency and Bitcoin trading with three complementary programs. First, the Certified C...
Colleagues, crypto time warp attacks occur when miners collude to report incorrect timestamps that are farther apart, messing with the ...