colleagues, with the explosive growth of smart contracts the demand for
Hyperledger innovation is increasing as well. We are pleased to present our Top
3 certification and training programs to help you strengthen your HLT skills
while boosting your earnings and career potential. First is the Certified Hyperledger Sawtooth Administrator
(https://fxo.co/8nu2) from the Linux Foundation. This
course is designed for developers and network administrators looking to further
their blockchain comprehension on how to properly interact with a Hyperledger
Sawtooth Blockchain and its related components. Second, the Hyperledger Fabric
Fundamentals - LFD271 (https://fxo.co/8nue). This course will introduce the
fundamental concepts of Blockchain and DLT. The course will then cover the core
architecture and components of Hyperledger Fabric. And third, Certified
Hyperledger Developer™ (https://fxo.co/8nuT) from the Blockchain Council. This
program is designed and carefully curated by experts to render a profound
understanding of Hyperledger Fabric and Composer. Businesses can leverage the
Hyperledger technology to enhance internal data integrity, and progress towards
a low-cost solution for their organization.
now in the course(s) which fit your goals and interests.