Friday, November 22, 2019

Blockchain Applications and Smart Contracts - Developing with Ethereum and Solidity: New earnings & professional growth are waiting

Blockchain Developers and Engineers, this valuable training program will equip you to define relevant Blockchain application use-cases, set up a development environment for Solidity, use the Solidity language and how to code a smart contract, create a test network to test applications without cost, and launch a smart contract in a live network. Training modules include: 1) Introduction to Blockchains and Smart Contracts - History of Blockchain technology, Consequences of double-spending avoidance, Objectives of different Blockchains, Adding smart contracts to Blockchains, Determine relevant smart contract use-cases, 2) Ethereum: A Smart Contract Blockchain - Ethereum as a Blockchain for smart contracts, Using Truffle as a smart contract development tool, Ethereum addresses and transactions, Relationship between Ether and Gas, 3) Solidity: A Contract-Oriented Language - Solidity smart contract, Solidity declarations, Solidity function modifiers, Solidity error-checking, 4) Testing, Debugging, and Deploying Smart Contracts - Test smart contracts on a personal Blockchain, Debug smart contracts, and Deploy smart contracts on a test and live network, and 5) Smart Contracts - A Custom Token in Ethereum and Creating a token framework. Career success awaits you, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Certified Blockchain Developer - Hyperledger Fabric (CBDH) – Ride the Blockchain tsunami to new income & career growth

Software Developers and Engineers, this CBDH certification training program includes more than seven hours of video instruction to prepare you to pass the Certified Blockchain Developer–Hyperledger Fabric (CBDH) exam and develop your skills in the emerging and in-demand Blockchain arena. In Certified Blockchain Developer–Hyperledger Fabric (CBDH) Complete Video Course, seasoned IT veteran and current Blockchain subject matter expert, Joseph Holbrook, provides an in-depth exploration of developing Blockchain solutions, which are quickly becoming the de facto, decentralized method for verifying and tracking cryptocurrency and other digital transactions. You will gain tangible, high-demand skills which will enable you to pass the CBDH exam. Training modules include: 1) Certified Blockchain Developer Hyperledger, 2) How a Blockchain Works, 3)  Blockchain Architecture Review, 4) Hyperledger Project Overview, 5) Hyperledger Framework Comparisons, 6) Hyperledger Fabric, 7) Hyperledger Fundamentals and Components, 8) Hyperledger Transactions, 9) Deploying Hyperledger Fabric on a BaaS, 10) Installing Hyperledger Fabric, 11) Hyperledger Fabric Explorer, 12) Hyperledger Composer, 13) Hyperledger Development, 14) Bootstrapping, and 15) Course Wrap-up. Much career success, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Understanding Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoins, and Blockchains – New Income and career opportunities await you!

CBF colleagues, the Understanding Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoins, and Blockchains training program provides over six hours of detailed discussion introducing you to the world of Bitcoin and the evolution of cryptocurrencies. The instructors use slides and lite-board demonstrations to illustrate complex bitcoin and Blockchain concepts, and walk you through some of the transactions needed to tap into the digital currency market. They discuss the pros and cons of decentralized banking and digital currency, including some of the large-scale cybercrime and money laundering cases affecting this new and vulnerable market, as well as some of the potential benefits in market and efficiency. They provide a wide range of insight into the issues surrounding the adoption of centralized digital currencies. They also discuss some of the various types of cryptocurrencies and what the future might hold for Blockchain technology as a potential solution to a wide range of issues associated with government operations and commercial transactions. There are eleven training modules, including: 1) A Brief History of Money, 2) Failures and Frustrations of the Current Fiat System, 3) Bitcoin, 4) Blockchain, 5) Cyber Crime, 6) Cryptocurrency Investing, 7) AltCoins, 8) Cryptocurrency–How It Can Fail, 9) Decentralized Banking, 10) Innovation and Future of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains, and 11) Applications and Innovations. Much career success, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

Get started today. Enroll at:

Monday, October 7, 2019

Become a Certified Cryptocurrency Trader™ backed by the Blockchain Council - Your ticket to career & earnings success

Crypto colleagues, the Certified Cryptocurrency Trader™ is a skilled professional who understands and knows in-depth what is a Cryptocurrency and how it works and also uses the same knowledge to make new utility tokens and Cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are making huge inroads in the process, and they are actively traded and mined nowadays. The CCT credential certifies an individual in the Blockchain discipline of Distributed Ledger Technology from a vendor-neutral perspective. The combined training and certification program includes: 1) Introduction to Certified Cryptocurrency Trader™, 2) Introduction to Cryptocurrency, 3) Understanding the Fundamentals of Trading, 3) Cryptocurrency Chart Analysis, 4) How to Trade?, and the Certified Cryptocurrency Trader ExamCareer success awaits you, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency,Blockchain and FinTech Academy

Enroll today at:     

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Become a Certified Corda Architect™ (CCA) from the Blockchain Council – Reap the career and income rewards

Blockchain colleagues, Certified Corda Architect™ (CCA), Certified Corda Architect training and certification enables you to gain architectural understanding and exposure of the Corda platform. Corda is an open source blockchain project, designed for business from the start. Only Corda allows you to build interoperable blockchain networks that transact in strict privacy. Corda's smart contract technology allows businesses to transact directly, with value. CCA training empowers you to utilize your architectural knowledge to make important decisions related to the Corda projects and craft the guidelines and structure of the whole Corda system, considering the requirement of the system. As the demand for Certified Corda Architect is rising, this certification will prove to be your competitive advantage giving enterprises confidence in the quick hire. A brief sample of the training modules and skills you will gain include: Data Structure of Corda, Corda Ecosystem, Corda Network, Corda Node, Corda Transactions, Corda Consensus, Corda Contracts, Corda Identity, Corda Flow, Corda Time Window, Corda Notary Service, Corda Oracle Service, Setting Corda Environment, Building a Corda Flow, and the Certified Corda Architect ExamMuch career success, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

Enroll today at

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Hyperledger Fabric Fundamentals (LFD271) – Boost your Blockchain income and career growth

Colleagues, the Hyperledger Fabric Fundamentals course from the Linux Foundation will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. The course will then cover the core architecture and components of Hyperledger Fabric. You will learn: How business logic is implemented in Hyperledger Fabric through chaincode (Hyperledger Fabric’s smart contracts), How to review the various transaction types used to read from and write to the distributed ledger, and How your applications can invoke transactions using the Hyperledger Fabric Javascript SDK. The five courses in this program include: 1) Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology, 2) Hyperledger Fabric, 3) Hyperledger Fabric Transactions, 4) Hyperledger Fabric Transactions – The Full Lifecycle, and Membership Services, MSPs and Channels. Much career success, Lawrence Wilson-  Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Fintech: Foundations & Applications of Financial Technology Specialization, Wharton School – Boost your income & career

Colleagues, Wharton’s Fintech Specialization is designed to introduce you to the fundamental building blocks of financial technologies and real-world applications through case studies of Wharton-led companies in the field. You will learn the essential components of technology-driven financial strategies, from complex regulations to cryptocurrency to portfolio optimization. You'll also learn how modern investment strategies deploy technology to produce optimal results, explore the disruptive force of changing payment methods, analyze the changing regulatory landscape, and gain a deeper understanding of robo-advising, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending, and Blockchain. By the end of this Specialization, you'll be able to make informed decisions about deploying financial technologies for yourself or for your business, giving you a competitive advantage in using the latest financial innovations. You will gain core skills in Investment Management, Cryptocurrency, Regulation, and Blockchain. There are 4 courses in this Specialization: 1) FinTech: Foundations, Payments, and Regulations, 2) Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies, 3) Lending, Crowdfunding, and Modern Investing, and 4) Application of Artificial Intelligence, InsurTech, and Real Estate Technology. Much career success, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

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