Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Certified Blockchain & Healthcare Professional™ Training

Blockchain colleagues, what does a Blockchain Professional do in the Healthcare industry? A Blockchain professional helps design and maintain blockchain-based systems for recording, sharing, and storing sensitive data in a secure and reliable manner. Through this certification you will learn the core concepts of blockchain and will master the art of building robust healthcare-based blockchain systems. Your training includes: 1) Blockchain Overview, 2) Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology, 3) Five Problem Statements and their Use Cases- Healthcare Records Management, Preventing Drug Counterfeiting, Healthcare Records Management (HRM), Preventing Drug Counterfeiting and Clinical Trials, and 4) The Certified Blockchain and Healthcare Professional™ Exam. This program is ideal for Technology Architects, Front-end and Back-end Engineers, Engineering Managers and QA Enginners.

Register today at:

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Cryptocurrency. Blockchain and FinTech Academy (CBF)

Monday, March 23, 2020

What are the Top 3 Hyperledger Training Programs to Advance your Blockchain career in 2020?

Blockchain colleagues, with the explosive growth of smart contracts the demand for Hyperledger innovation is increasing as well. We are pleased to present our Top 3 certification and training programs to help you strengthen your HLT skills while boosting your earnings and career potential. First is the Certified Hyperledger Sawtooth Administrator  ( from the Linux Foundation. This course is designed for developers and network administrators looking to further their blockchain comprehension on how to properly interact with a Hyperledger Sawtooth Blockchain and its related components. Second, the Hyperledger Fabric Fundamentals - LFD271 ( This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of Blockchain and DLT. The course will then cover the core architecture and components of Hyperledger Fabric. And third, Certified Hyperledger Developer™ ( from the Blockchain Council. This program is designed and carefully curated by experts to render a profound understanding of Hyperledger Fabric and Composer. Businesses can leverage the Hyperledger technology to enhance internal data integrity, and progress towards a low-cost solution for their organization.

Enroll now in the course(s) which fit your goals and interests.

Much career success, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Blockchain Applications and Smart Contracts - Developing with Ethereum and Solidity: New earnings & professional growth are waiting

Blockchain Developers and Engineers, this valuable training program will equip you to define relevant Blockchain application use-cases, set up a development environment for Solidity, use the Solidity language and how to code a smart contract, create a test network to test applications without cost, and launch a smart contract in a live network. Training modules include: 1) Introduction to Blockchains and Smart Contracts - History of Blockchain technology, Consequences of double-spending avoidance, Objectives of different Blockchains, Adding smart contracts to Blockchains Determine relevant smart contract use-cases, 2) Ethereum: A Smart Contract Blockchain - Ethereum as a Blockchain for smart contracts, Using Truffle as a smart contract development tool, Ethereum addresses and transactions, Relationship between Ether and Gas, 3) Solidity: A Contract-Oriented Language - Solidity smart contract, Solidity declarations, Solidity function modifiers, Solidity error-checking, 4) Testing, Debugging, and Deploying Smart Contracts - Test smart contracts on a personal Blockchain, Debug smart contracts, and Deploy smart contracts on a test and live network, and 5) Smart Contracts - A Custom Token in Ethereum and Creating a token framework.

Register today at

Career success awaits you, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

Friday, January 24, 2020

Discover the Top 5 Cryptocurrency Training Programs to Boost Your Career in 2020

Crypto colleagues, we understand your desire to advance your career and boost your earning in the New Year whether as a trader or investor. We can help. After reviewing our training programs, we have hand-picked five courses (and degrees) to help you achieve your 2020 goals.  First is Understanding Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoins, and Blockchains from LiveLessonsNext are the Certified Cryptocurrency Trader, Certified Bitcoin Expert and Certified Ethereum Expert programs each sponsored by the Blockchain Council. If you would like to earn an online degree we recommend the Online Degree™ in Cryptocurrency & Trading – Blockchain Council. Finally, for all you over-achievers who want to understand the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies consider the Blockchain Applications and Smart Contracts.  There you have it – not 5 but 6 programs designed to equip you to obtain next heights in 2020. Let us know if we can be of further help.

Your success begins today, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

What are the Top 3 Strategies for 2020 to Advance Your Blockchain Career?

Blockchain professionals, let us help you reach career and income success this year with our simple yet powerful three-fold approach. To start, Get Trained. Here are three hand-picked training programs which will enhance your skills and boost your marketability. First, Certified Blockchain Architect. Second, HyperLedger Fabric Fundamentals. Third, Blockchain Applications and Smart Contracts. Next, Get Published. We recommend a trio of top-tier online tech-related portables: Mention (here are 5 principles for getting your article published), Ars Technica and Mashable. Prepare a brief article on your area of expertise, best practices or lessons learned and submit it for publication. And third, Get Known. Join and begin communicating with your peers worldwide. The Linked In Career-Hub Start-up, Financing and Blockchain Group has 430k members is an excellent place to start. Moreover, Twitter’s forum has 776k members. Finally, register on Triberr and begin rubbing virtual shoulders with thought leaders in the global Blockchain arena.

Your success begins today, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

Friday, November 22, 2019

Blockchain Applications and Smart Contracts - Developing with Ethereum and Solidity: New earnings & professional growth are waiting

Blockchain Developers and Engineers, this valuable training program will equip you to define relevant Blockchain application use-cases, set up a development environment for Solidity, use the Solidity language and how to code a smart contract, create a test network to test applications without cost, and launch a smart contract in a live network. Training modules include: 1) Introduction to Blockchains and Smart Contracts - History of Blockchain technology, Consequences of double-spending avoidance, Objectives of different Blockchains, Adding smart contracts to Blockchains, Determine relevant smart contract use-cases, 2) Ethereum: A Smart Contract Blockchain - Ethereum as a Blockchain for smart contracts, Using Truffle as a smart contract development tool, Ethereum addresses and transactions, Relationship between Ether and Gas, 3) Solidity: A Contract-Oriented Language - Solidity smart contract, Solidity declarations, Solidity function modifiers, Solidity error-checking, 4) Testing, Debugging, and Deploying Smart Contracts - Test smart contracts on a personal Blockchain, Debug smart contracts, and Deploy smart contracts on a test and live network, and 5) Smart Contracts - A Custom Token in Ethereum and Creating a token framework. Career success awaits you, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

Register today at:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Certified Blockchain Developer - Hyperledger Fabric (CBDH) – Ride the Blockchain tsunami to new income & career growth

Software Developers and Engineers, this CBDH certification training program includes more than seven hours of video instruction to prepare you to pass the Certified Blockchain Developer–Hyperledger Fabric (CBDH) exam and develop your skills in the emerging and in-demand Blockchain arena. In Certified Blockchain Developer–Hyperledger Fabric (CBDH) Complete Video Course, seasoned IT veteran and current Blockchain subject matter expert, Joseph Holbrook, provides an in-depth exploration of developing Blockchain solutions, which are quickly becoming the de facto, decentralized method for verifying and tracking cryptocurrency and other digital transactions. You will gain tangible, high-demand skills which will enable you to pass the CBDH exam. Training modules include: 1) Certified Blockchain Developer Hyperledger, 2) How a Blockchain Works, 3)  Blockchain Architecture Review, 4) Hyperledger Project Overview, 5) Hyperledger Framework Comparisons, 6) Hyperledger Fabric, 7) Hyperledger Fundamentals and Components, 8) Hyperledger Transactions, 9) Deploying Hyperledger Fabric on a BaaS, 10) Installing Hyperledger Fabric, 11) Hyperledger Fabric Explorer, 12) Hyperledger Composer, 13) Hyperledger Development, 14) Bootstrapping, and 15) Course Wrap-up. Much career success, Lawrence Wilson – Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech Academy

Get started today. Enroll at: