any commercial entity – large or small – needs to have a long-term positive
Return on Investment to succeed. The Cryptocurrency mining ROI comes down to
the cost of energy consumption (and hardware) vs. the market value of the
currency. With more and more energy required to generate Bitcoin,
Litecoin, and Dash we have seen the rise of mining
farms and pools such as and Slush. Meanwhile, some crypto theorists
have proposed newer and most cost-efficient algorithms like DigiByte and DigiShield.
Many believe all roads point to China’s Bitmain
yet are weary of the increasing centralized control of Jihan Wu. A new model for Cryptocurrency creation is needed as we look
toward second and third generation currencies. But what is the bona fide solution? Share your thoughts today! Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy
Our mission is to provide Training and Certification programs to enable Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and FinTech traders and investors worldwide to achieve their career goals.
Monday, April 30, 2018
Friday, April 27, 2018
Will the Centralized Blockchain Model Proposed by the PBoC Be Applicable Outside of China?
to no one’s surprise the Peoples
Bank of China (PBoC) has strongly advocated a highly centralized approach
to BlockChain implementation. The PBoC
digital currency research institute leader Yao Qian believes that is impossible
to exercise decentralized, informal Blockchain governance on a scale befitting
the world’s 2nd largest economy and the world’s most populous
nation. His solution is for the Blockchain to have a central governor. Yao
seeks the benefits of distributed ledger technology (DLT) while maintaining a
centralized governance structure. In addition, Wang Pengjie, from the Chinese People’s Political Consultative
Conference (CPPCC), suggests that the PBOC
and the China
Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) should create a Blockchain and digital asset management “approval system,” as well
as raised the possibility of establishing a digital asset trading platform at a
national level. Bottom line: Given the vast advantages Blockchain offers will a
heavily centralized and controlled ecosystem for this technology thwart or
facilitate its growth and benefits for the PRC? A secondary question concerns
whether such a model is viable outside the PRC’s centrally planned economy and
financial system. Send us your comments today. Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy (
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Can the Aramco Coin Concept be applied to Other Global Commodities?
the Aramco coin
has its origins from the idea of having a strong currency that has a backing on
raw materials … namely crude oil. Aramco has dual headquarters in Saudi Arabia
and the UK. The ARM digital
coin ICO will begin with 3 phases 1) Phase I - Pre-sale on April 24th, 2018.
The pre-sale will run until May 8th, 2018. The incentive for investors during
this time is a 15% bonus on all purchases. 2) Phase II - -1 sale on May 9th
2018. The Stage-1 sale will run until May 23th 2018. The incentive for
investors during this time is a 10% bonus on all purchases, and 3) Phase 3 -2
sale on May 24th 2018. The Stage-2 sale will run until June 7th 2018. The central question is whether other ARM-like
Cryptocurrencies backed by specific commodities or raw materials such as
natural gas, copper or platinum are viable – even as niche markets and
applications – in the global economy? Let
us know your comments. Lawrence, CryptocurrencyAcademy (
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Is the Basic Attention Token the solution for Blockchain Digital Advertising?
digital advertising is one of the next frontiers for Blockchain technology
adoption and transformation as we look beyond the Cryptocurrency arena. The Basic Attention Token (BAT) employs
the Ethereum Blockchain to issue and
distribute its tokens. Some interesting changes will be coming to Basic
Attention Token including improved anti-fraud measures and dashboard analytics
are coming to publishers and users shortly along with scaling real ad revenue.
The BAT team wants to integrate Basic Attention Token into even more
applications based on open-source projects with ad buying leverage. Publishers
are penalized by who Google and Facebook take 73% of all ad dollars and 99% of
all growth. And upwards of 50% of the average user’s mobile data is for
ads and trackers carrying a hidden cost of north of $20 USD per month. Bottom
line: While there may be no solver bullet solution, can BAT materially help
reduce costs and make digital advertising more cost-efficient and relevant for
publishers and users alike? Send us know your comments. Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy
Monday, April 23, 2018
How Will the Use of Sidechains Benefit Blockchain Implementation?
Friends, sidechains
are separate Blockchains
which are
attached to its parent Blockchain using a two-way
peg. The two-way peg enables interchangeability of assets at a predetermined
rate between the parent Blockchain and the sidechain. The parent Blockchain is
commonly referred to as the ‘main chain’ and all additional Blockchains are
referred to as ‘sidechains’. Any transactions occurring on a sidechain can be picked up by
nodes on the main chain to record it. Every sidechain will trust the main chain
for cross-chain transactions of any kind. Mounting
transaction fees and growing confirmation delays have been problems for quite
some time now. The developers of Ethereum Classic wish to avoid these issues with the help of a sidechain
protocol, rather than an on-chain block size increase a la Bitcoin Cash.
Bottom line: Will the continued use of sidechains benefit Blockchain integrity
and adoption? Our belief is yes
they will until such time as a new mechanism is developed to test new
functionality without putting the parent Blockchain at risk. Let us know your
comments. Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions Remain the Achilles Heel of Mass Cryptocurrency Adoption.
although total Bitcoin (or Cryptocurrency) energy consumption is unlikely to
usurp global energy availability anytime in the foreseeable future,
technologists and entrepreneurs alike who are staking their futures on second
and third gen Cryptocurrencies must address this issue if the crypto sector is
to grow and flourish. What is the root cause? Many experts point to trust-minimizing consensus has been enabled by the proof-of-work algorithm. Users in a network send each other digital tokens. The
decentralized ledger gathers all the transactions into blocks.
However, care should be taken to confirm the transactions and arrange blocks.
While one could write a dissertation on the PoW algorithm, the preeminent
challenge is to either reconstruct or replace the current algorithm with a
mechanism which both mitigates trust minimizing censuses building and greatly
reduces the computing energy requirements for performing a viable PoW
alternative algorithm. And yes, a future Nobel Prize in Economics or Physics
likely awaits the savant who solves this dilemma. How close are we to resolving
this matter? Our estimate is 6-10+ years. Let
us know your comments! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Can Basis Provide the Price Stability with a Viable Peg and an Algorithmic Central Bank Needed to Succeed?
lack of price stability, a legitimate peg and an algorithmic central bank with
fixed currency supply have been major shortcoming of first gen cryptocurrency
leaders Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin. Enter Basis
… a second generation cryptocurrency purpose-built to overcome these
limitations and offer greater
accountability to the economies of developing nations. Basis addresses currency
expansion and contraction via a three-token system including Base
Shares, Basecoin and Base
Bonds. Initially Basis will be pegged to the US dollar using simple supply and demand to manage the
price of its currency. When too many people want Basis, the protocol increases
the supply of the currency. It does the opposite when demand is weak.
Basis is backed by an impressive list of investors and advisors such as Lightspeed Venture Partners, former Federal
Reserve governor Kevin Warsh, hedge fund manager Stan Druckenmiller, Bain
Capital Ventures and respected VC Andreessen Horowitz. Only time will tell
if Basis will succeed. Our key takeaway is that Basis does represent a highly
credible move beyond the “wild west” of first gen cryptocurrencies and deserves
a serious look as a viable payment method. Let us know your comments! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Taking a Fresh Look at Cryptocurrency Wallets
many newcomers to Cryptocurrency trading ask the fundamental question of which
Wallet is best for me? There are a myriad of Wallets on the market today
including Jaxx, TLDR, Trezor, KeepKey,
Nano Ledger S, MyEtherWallet, Coinbase,
and Electrum to name a few. Whether
software, hardware or paper Wallets the central issue is what are your needs
and goals for a Crypto Wallet? And yes, as second and third generation Cryptocurrencies come to market we are likely to see new Wallet
genres emerge. Key factors here include are your trading one (or more
Cryptocurrencies), how many transactions do you plan to make over the next
month, year or beyond, and what are your security requirements. Your answers to
these questions will generally guide you to the Wallet category and even brand
that will fulfill your needs. TechWorm
offers up three guidelines that will help you make the best choice: First, Hot
Wallets – Web Wallets and Self-Hosted Wallets – are connected to the Internet and
are considered less secure. Second, always create a seed phrase or private key
back-up (electronic, paper, etc.) And third, use Cold Storage Wallets which are
not Internet-connected for storing large numbers of keys … and in turn larger
values of Cryptocurrencies. Hope this helps. Let us know your comments! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Assessing the Impact of Hard and Soft Forks in Blockchain Adoption
hard and soft forks create significant uncertainty, as they have the potential
to fragment the power of the Blockchain network into lots of variants. They are
also likely to be necessary, as without the capacity to update the Software,
the Blockchain is unlikely to be future proof. Hard
forks create a fork in the
Blockchain: one path follows the new, upgraded Blockchain, and the
other path continues along the old path. Generally, after a short
period of time, those on the old chain will realize that their version of the
Blockchain is outdated or irrelevant and quickly upgrade to the latest version. Hard fork can be
implemented to reverse transactions (e.g.
the DAO decentralized
autonomous organization for Bitcoin or Ethereum), add new functionality, correct important
security risks found in older versions of the software, to add new
functionality, or to reverse transactions.
Thus, should Blockchain hard forks be viewed with skepticism or as a tool for
enhancing the integrity and quality of the given Blockchain? Share your comments with us today!
Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Monday, April 16, 2018
The US and China are on the move to establish Blockchain standards
on March 12, 2018 China announced the establishment of a national Technical
Standardization Committee for Blockchain. Such cryptographic ledgers operate in an ecosystem consisting of the
following actors. A ledger node modifies an instance of a cryptographic ledger based on the current configuration of the
ledger. The ledger node tracks a set of pending ledger events that
are candidates for being written to the ledger and writes them to the ledger
when it believes consensus has been reached. A ledger agent may be used by any system that
communicates over HTTP to instruct a ledger node to perform a specified action on the
ledger. China’s initiative comes in the wake of the US NIST Blockchain
Technology Overview published in January 2018. With the world’s two largest
economies ‘generally’ moving in the same direction how does this bode for
Blockchain adoption – growth or endless bureaucracy? And which other sovereign
states such as the UK and Australia are prepping standards of their own? And
finally, which international entity – e.g. IEEE or ISO – will serve to
harmonize these standards I the months and years to come? Share your comments with us today!
Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Do Mining Pools Enable Individual Miners to Effectively Compete Against Institution Cryptocurrency Miners?
mining pools allows cryptocurrency investors to pooling of resources by miners,
who share their processing power over a network, to split the reward equally,
according to the amount of work they contributed to the probability of finding
a block. In the context of cryptocurrency mining, a mining pool is the pooling of resources by miners, who share their processing
power over a network, to split the reward equally, according to the amount of
work they contributed to the probability of finding a block. Mining pools are groups of miners who pool
their resources together in order to generate blocks more quickly. Miners then
receive more regular rewards than they would mining solo, as rewards are shared
among members. Eligius,
Kank CKPool, F2Pool, Slush Pool and AntPool are some of the most
common mining pools … each with their own pros and cons. Membership fees can
range from 0.00% to 3.00% and the reward or incentive categories include Pay-per-Share
(PPS), Proportional,
Score based and Pay
per Last N Shares (PPLNS). Are mining pools a good fit for your
circumstances? Share your comments
with us today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Friday, April 13, 2018
Can ModulTrade’s Value Ecosystem Level the Playing Field for SMEs to Participate in the Blockchcain Arena?
Friends, ModulTrade is a marketplace where SMEs can
efficiently trade globally and directly without banks intermediation. Their
ecosystem is based on the MSP (multi-platform-side), which aims to create value
through network effects five: Marketplaces or Two Sided Networks, Channel
partners aka Three Sided Networks, Communications networks, Content networks
and Local networks. (Note: See MIT’s
paper on Network Effects). Opportunities
for SMEs in global markets and value chains are very large: it exposes them to
the buyer/customer base is great, as well as the opportunity to learn from
large companies and of involved and persist in the up and coming sectors of the
global market. ModulTrade will continue with its
pre-sale offering MTR, the ModulTrade token architected on Ethereum, with up to 10mln MTR available
during this period. Followed by a further 40mln during the main sale, and a
soft cap of 15,000 ETH. Bottom line: Will the MVE truly enable SMEs to
successfully trade directly and globally without back intermediation? Share
your comments with the Cryptocurrency
Academy today. Lawrence
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Interconnectivity and Interoperability Present a Monumental Challenge for Mass Blockchain Adoption
despite the unmatched opportunity and appetite for mass Blockchain adoption,
the relative absence of standards negatively impact – for now – the positive
business case and ROI for multiple Blockchains within and between private
sector organizations. A simple analogy: Assume Global 500 companies each needed
to design, develop and test an Accounts Receivables process rather than using
(and customizing) a standardized AR system from Oracle, SAP or Salesforce. The
cost would be prohibitive, moreover, such applications must have bullet proof
integrations with other inter-dependent enterprise apps including Financial
Management, Accounts Payable, DSO, ERP, HRM, etc. This, this quandary equally
applies to implementing multiple application-specific Blockchains which have
not only “internal” integrity but also must interfacing with a myriad of
external industry systems and applications. This dilemma not only keeps CIOs
up at night but also can easily be a budget-buster. And while the
Cryptocurrency Academy do not advocate “over regulation” of this transformative
technology this issue clearly points to the need for a modicum of standards (aka regulation)
which appears to be the lynch-pin form mass Blockchain adoption. Let’s hear your comments today!
Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Will the GBX Grid Allow the Gibraltar Stock Exchange to Ensure Token Transparency, Credibility and Security?
Friends, the GBX Grid, a token sale platform, has the lofty
mission of delivering Transparency, Credibility and Security along with institutional recognition and
respectability. Impressive, nonetheless there can be a big difference aspirations and
reality. A stable and regulated environment
has benefits for Fintech startups like Lendo, which is why it intends to apply
to be licensed under Gibraltar’s new DLT regulatory framework and seek listing
on the Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBX) which is a subsidiary of its Stock
Exchange. GBX aspires to be a world-leading
institutional-grade token sale platform and Cryptocurrency exchange. Built upon
principles of decentralization and community consensus, we seek to create a new
era of trust, openness and global acceptance for the Cryptocurrency industry by
listing one quality token at a time. Moreover, the unique selling feature of Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange
is that it will analyze new coins before adding them to the platform. A group
called the GBX Alliance must form a consensus about each token before having it
listed on the platform. What is your assessment? Share your
comments today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
Monday, April 9, 2018
Can Ethen Fulfill its Mission of ERC20 Tokens and Wallets Integrated with Ethereum’s Network?
Friends, Ethen,
a new decentralized platform for trading digital
forms of money for proficient brokers, dealers and financial specialists, will
launch with a one of a kind calculation for getting and exchanging ERC20 tokens, is set to launch
on the Ethereum
network. Far beyond professional traders, Ethen’s mission is to make decentralized
exchanges more accessible to a wide range of users and thus grow the user base
for Cryptocurrencies. Bottom line: Ethen’s purpose built platform is designed
to ensure Confidentiality, Double Security along with Fixed and Fair
Commissions. Can Ethen live up to these high expectations given the rapid pace
of Cryptocurrency innovations? Share your comments with us today!
Lawrence, Cryptocurrency
Academy (
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Coinbase to Launch Index Fund for Institutional Investors
this week we saw the announcement of the Coinbase Index Ventures Fund.
There are two key elements of this funds which would appear to set it apart
from most other Cryptocurrency and Blockchain vehicles. First – and consistent
with our thesis here at the Cryptocurrency Academy – this fund will be geared
toward medium-long term “investors” rather than shorter-term “traders”. And
second, rather than offering a weighted baskets of Cryptocurrencies, this funds
will invest in the ever-expanding number of technology and ecosystem firms
which augment the buying and selling of individual currencies. The new fund
will specifically invest in digital
assets listed on Coinbase’s exchange, GDAX.
Using our 1849 Gold Rush analogy this fund will focus on the picks, axes and
equipment needs of the masses of prospectors rather than trying to isolate and
invest in the small percentage of gold miners who actually struck in rich high
in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. We like this approach and recommend taking a
closer look. Share your assessment with us today! Lawrence, Cryptocurrency Academy (
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Colleagues, we have written extensively about the CBDC initiatives underway in China (PBoC), US (US Federal Reserve) and the UK (Bank of...
Crypto Traders, gain a competitive advantage in cryptocurrency and Bitcoin trading with three complementary programs. First, the Certified C...
Colleagues, crypto time warp attacks occur when miners collude to report incorrect timestamps that are farther apart, messing with the ...